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eCADEMY K8 Testing

2024-2025 Testing Information 

Our annual testing for all 3rd through 8th graders will begin in April/May of 2025. Dates will be shared in second semester so you can start planning and reserving the dates.

We need all students to attend for testing as we need to have 95% participation. We know the only way students attend for testing is by families bringing them and picking them up each day. We appreciate your cooperation with this and promise to make it as easy as possible for you.

Here are some of the most important things to know:

  • All testing is at Berna Facio Professional Development Center at 3315 Louisiana Blvd NE.
  • Students test with their Advocacy teachers (middle school) and homeroom teachers (elementary).
  • Principals supervise testing each day.
  • Students should bring their fully charged Chromebook.
  • No backpacks or cell phones are allowed.
  • Please feed your child breakfast before arriving.
  • Bring your picture ID. Students are signed in and out each morning by parent/guardians or emergency contacts.
  • Please update your Emergency Contacts in ParentVUE if you need to.
  • Please send your student with a book to read if they finish testing early.
  • If you have any questions about your student’s medical condition and testing, please contact school nurse Julia Blog at
  • We will have a school nurse on site for testing.
  • If students test all day, they are provided a school lunch. You may send your child with a lunch from home on those days, if you prefer.

Spring 2025 Schedule:

  • To be announced in early 2025. 

Contact Information

Testing Coordinators