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Talk'o Tuesdays

Tuesdays are known for tacos but they are also a great opportunity to check in with your student. Sometimes talking with your student about school can be difficult and our goal for Talk'o Tuesdays is to provide families a suggested framework for organizing the conversation. Talk'o Tuesdays begins with allocating time (20 minues) to sit together, side by side, with ParentVUE open on your student's Chromebook.


  • Tackle issues - While looking at grades, attendance and teacher messages it is important to identify potential issues. If grades or attendance data does not align with your expectations, now is the time talk about it and create a plan. If that data is possibly not accurate, take a moment and message the relevant teacher with your concerns. If you received a message of concern from a teacher, now is the time to take a moment to respond.
  • Acknowledge accomplishment - We can't forget to acknowledge accomplishment. Take a moment to celebrate success. Look for at least one of the following,
    • Good/Improved grades
    • Good/improved attendance
    • Assessment score
    • A message of praise from a teacher
  • Challenge further - SMART goals are perfect for this step. Here, families can set or review academic SMART goals.
  • Organize time - Time management is really important when trying to learn online. Take a moment together to look at the week ahead and evaluate whether or not you need to adjust your time management plan. Here is where you can determine if you need to tap into time outside of the school day.
  • Schedule your next Talk'o Tuesday. It is important to commit to meeting regularly to stay on track and maximize success.