Supply Lists
K-5 Supplies 2024-2025 School Year
Note: All students should have a Chromebook charger and over-the-ear headphones. eCADEMYK8 no longer replaces Chromebook chargers. Please purchase an extra, if needed. Wal-Mart and Amazon carry low cost Chromebook chargers for around $10-15.
6-8 Supplies
- Four 5-single subject notebooks OR One 5-subject notebook
- Composition book
- Solid white paper
- Graph paper - ¼ in” grid
- Multi Colored construction paper
- Flash cards
- Pens
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Scissors
- Scotch Tape
- Glue sticks
- Glue
- Ruler
- Poster board
- Basic Calculator for 6th and 7th Grades
- Scientific Calculator for 8th Grade- (ex. TI-30XIIS, TI-30XS, TI-34, Casio FX-115ES ...)
- *Independent Reading Book
Note: All students should have a Chromebook charger and over-the-ear headphones. eCADEMYK8 no longer replaces Chromebook chargers. Please purchase an extra, if needed. Wal-Mart and Amazon carry low cost Chromebook chargers for around $10-15.